This article assumes the following set up:
Dual booting Windows XP and some GNU/Linux distribution with GNOME
Disk layout:
- NTFS Windows system partition
- FAT32 shared data partition (already mounted under Linux)
- Linux partition(s)
Steps to set up a shared desktop
1) Boot into Windows, move folder ntfs_disk:\\Documents and Settings\your_username\Desktop onto some folder on the FAT32 disk. Windows XP will remember where you put it and look for it in that location in future. Although I have not tested the effect, I strongly advise against changing its location using Linux!
2) Boot into Linux, move all files from your /home/username/Desktop to the Desktop folder on the FAT32 partition.
3) Do an "ln -s /location_of_fat32/Desktop /home/username/Desktop"
Essentially the same procedure can be followed for sharing settings for Mozilla/Firefox, Gaim, GIMP, and other programs available for both platforms.
created 23 February 2005